Ready. Set. Code.


About Me

Hey! I'm Joe, a 35 year old Junior Front End Developer based near Leeds, England.

I have an interest in all things web related and in March 2020 I chose to pursue a study of Web Development full time with the view of becoming a Front End Developer.

In July 2020, utilising online courses such as Treehouse, freeCodeCamp and online resources at Mozilla Developer Network and w3schools.com along with some good old fashioned books - Jon Ducketts' HTML & CSS and Javascript & JQuery - to name but a few - I proudly passed the Treehouse Techdegree in Front End Web Development.
Click here to see my Accredible certificate.

So far I have learnt how to use HTML, CSS, Javascript, version control system GitHub and libraries such as Bootstrap 4 but the learning never stops - I am currently studying: Ruby, PHP and SQL


Treehouse Points Acquired

  • points have been earned
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Ruby
  • Development Tools
  • PHP
  • Design
  • Digital Literacy

Recently Completed Treehouse Skills


project 3

Online Registration Form

Click the project image to learn more.

project 5

Interactive Photo Gallery

Click the project image to learn more.

project 6

Hangman Style Game

Click the project image to learn more.

project 7

Web App Dashboard

Click the project image to learn more.

project 8

Employee Directory

Click the project image to learn more.


Wedding Singer Homepage

Click the project image to learn more.

MA Music

Music Composer Homepage

Click the project image to learn more.

the plaice thumbnail

The Plaice -
Traditional Fish & Chips

Click the project image to learn more.

Raven Hall thumbnail

Raven Hall Hotel Rework Project

Click the project image to learn more.


Please feel free to contact me about your web design needs.

Click the button below to send me an email with your requirements and i'll get back to you shortly.

Thank you for visiting my site.

Email Me